Step 1

Attend an Event

Step 2

Collaborate with WiTNE’s board 

Step 3

Host the event

Sponsor Our Next Event

Sponsorship is a Collaboration

We’re always looking for sponsors to help us with:

  • A professional space to host
  • A speaker from your organisation
  • Non-alcoholic refreshments (we like cake!)

And as we grow, we're also looking to explore financial sponsorship (where we'll do the legwork on finding the snacks, speakers, and spaces that can host 75+ attendees!).

Our Reach

Eyes On You

Since forming in 2022, our events have hosted attendees from entry level and entrepreneur to C-Suite level executives. They are actively seeking companies and organisations that will support their career growth or find common values for collaboration.  If you want the next wave (and the current wave) of talent looking at you as their best bet for a career in tech, you want to get their eyes on you.


Relevancy is Important

We are a community-led organisation. Because of that relationship with our members and attendees, we turn to them for input on the types of events we host, the sort of resources they are looking for and what they need for support. We’ll bring the data with us so that we can work together to find a format and topic that works for your company and our community.

This is not an Exhaustive List…

But it’s a great place to start when thinking about formats and topics!

Past Types of Events:



Key-note Speakers

Panel Speakers

Fireside Chat

Past Topics:

Regional Resources

Networking Skills

Career Path Navigation


Company Culture

Confidence in C-Suite

We’re an Inclusive Community…

We welcome:

  • Women
  • Women-identifying individuals
  • Non-binary people
  • Gender non-conforming people

Our community supports the experiences of our members and we recognise the fluidity of gender identities. We are building an inclusive and accessible community in order to speak directly to the struggles and successes women experience in the tech industry.

We are looking for sponsorship from businesses that are eager to:

  • Create more diverse workforce
  • Cultivate a collaborative and inclusive workplace culture
  • Learn from the experiences of our members

If you’re in on the mission, we’d love to have you join us. 

We're In!

Be A Part of Changing Tech in the NE

Women in Tech NE Spring 2025 Meetup

March 31, 2025

Bookings open soon: this meetup will be open to all genders. We will be celebrating allyship and exploring how we can work together to build a more inclusive tech community.

I'm In!