Women in Tech North East CIC

Where Inspiring and Aspiring
Women* in Tech Meet 

Join our growing community of tech professionals, students, academics, and business leaders who want to create a diverse and inclusive tech sector.

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WiT NE showed me that I am not alone... there are others out there similar to me that I can connect with and get support from. (You’ve) motivated me even further!

Past Sponsors Include

You’re With Us.

Community, Collaboration, and Connection

You Aren’t the Only One…

You Belong in Tech

It can get lonely when you feel like you are “the only one” navigating an industry that can feel unwelcoming. Not here. When you’re with WiT NE, you are a part of a group of women* who are here to support you and your career in tech.

Membership for Change

Build Strength in Our Community

When you stand up to be counted as a member of WiT NE, you’ll not only be informed of events as they hit the schedule and be a part of our LinkedIn community, but you’ll be with us on our journey to help more women succeed in the tech industry in NE England. And membership is free!

Inclusive and Alcohol-Free

We’re All About Including YOU

By hosting alcohol-free events in professional settings, we’ve been able to reach a more diverse range of women* within tech. That means age, creed, and level of experience are no barrier to entry. If you can make it, we’ll save a seat just for you! Make sure you RSVP!

I left the last event feeling that women really can do anything!

I met many fantastic women. (I) felt inspired and received some advice on potential next steps in my career.

Success in Tech Takes All of Us

You don’t have to try to be the change within your workplace or classroom by yourself. When you become a member, you have US. And together, we can change the way businesses and academia see women* in tech. 

We’re a network of inspiring and aspiring women* in tech who can’t wait to see you succeed. We will actively cheer you on to your next big accomplishment.

Your next move is to join us!

(The networking event) felt very welcoming. Everyone was in the same boat… hoping to help, meet and chat. You just never know what interesting conversations you might end up having!

Be A Part of Changing Tech in the NE

Women in Tech NE Spring 2025 Meetup

March 31, 2025

Bookings open soon: this meetup will be open to all genders. We will be celebrating allyship and exploring how we can work together to build a more inclusive tech community.

I'm In!